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Delete All Messages for Facebook™ - Google Chrome

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Web Apps. 广告. Facebook Fast Delete Messages(Chrome) 0.3.Softonic 评论. 由 Editorial Team 开发. Facebook 快速删除邮件将帮助用户节省大量时间,如果他们希望在收件箱中丢弃特定邮...

If you open your Facebook messages page, there will be a gear icon to the right of each message. Click on that gear icon and select "Delete" to delete a message without opening it first. Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Create an account or log into Facebook. Connect with friends, family and other people you know. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates. Facebook Fast Delete Messages - Download Facebook Fast Delete Messages will install a delete icon within the Facebook page immediately after it is installed. However, please keep in mind that this icon can also be deactivated if desired. The user will have two additional options. He or she can delete messages one at a time or they can be deleted in bulk in the event that an inbox needs to be cleared. This saves a great deal of time when compared to having to manually perform such an operation.

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Facebook Fast Delete Messages - Télécharger Facebook Fast Delete Messages est une extension gratuite pour le navigateur Google Chrome vous permettant de supprimer rapidement vos messages privés sur Facebook. Facebook Fast Delete Messages - download.cnet.com Facebook Fast Delete Messages is a free Google Chrome extension that speeds up the process of deleting messages on Facebook. It couldn't be easier to use. Télécharger Facebook Fast Delete Messages - 01net.com ...

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Facebook keeps a record of your messages and chats whether you like it or not. Everything you type through the private messaging system is logged by default, though you do have the option to delete these archives at a later stage. Note that deleting... Facebook Fast Delete Messages Download para Windows... Facebook Fast Delete Messages é uma extensão para Google Chrome cuja função é adicionar um botão especial em sua caixa de mensagens do Facebook. Com ele, você consegue apagar definitivamente toda e qualquer mensagem recebida na rede social... Descargar Facebook Fast Delete Messages - Gratis Un botón de “Delete All” se añade a la interfaz de Facebook y de manera rápida todo se esfuma. Debes tener cuidado porque no aparece el típico mensaje de “¿Estás seguro?” así que si accidentalmente das clic, no hay forma de cancelar el proceso. Facebook Fast Delete Messages - Télécharger gratuit

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delete facebook messages fast - Deleterr.com

Facebook Fast Delete Messages is a free Google Chrome extension that speeds up the process of deleting messages on Facebook. It couldn't be easier to use.